Affiliate Partnerships

Sign-Up For Our Generous Affiliate Partner Program

If you enjoy the Football Advisor service, you can now sign-up for our affiliate program and earn money for every new customer you refer to us.

The Football Advisor Affiliate Partner Program is free to join with a 35% commission rate on all Products and 35% recurring commission on all services for members that you refer to us.

Sign-up today as an Football Advisor Affiliate Partner

35% Commission on All Stand-alone Sales

35% Recurring Commission on all Service Sales

Here are just a few reasons to join our program:
 - Promote a well-established and much sought after product.
 - Generous basic and recurring commission level of 35% per sale,
 - Comprehensive range of tools to support your campaigns including a wide range of banner images, email copy and more
 - Custom banners available to specifically suit your site.
 - Login 24 hours a day to check your sales, traffic, account balance to see how you and your campaigns are performing use the respected ThriveCart platform

- Exclusive discount codes and offers available for top performing partners

 - Promote our free products, guides and eBooks and let us convert your members to customers
 - Dedicated affiliate help on hand to help you with your campaigns.
 - Quick, regular and reliable monthly payments.
Sign-up today as a Football Advisor Affiliate Partner

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